Steps to make YOUR RADIO STATION Far more SUCCESSFUL Today

Steps to make YOUR RADIO STATION Far more SUCCESSFUL Today

By Stefan Rybak

Stereo fail because of
5 major problems:
1. Poor advertising sales
2. Bad programming
3. Mismanagement
4. Staffing issues
5. No interactive media component

Underperforming r / c are, typically, deficient in one or maybe more of these areas.

Let�s first have a look at sales. You'll have the very best programming and many interesting content on your radio station, but if you can't sell it, then you've got an appealing challenge to deal with.
Radio sales isn't rocket science or brain surgery. Additionally, there are no Houdini magic or mumbo jumbo involved. Radio Station Consultant

To be successful in radio sales, you should master some simple, yet incredibly-powerful concepts, and have the motivation and discipline to complete these concepts every single day.
It is not about "selling spots." That's very short-sighted and short-term. Your salespeople will be doing nothing a lot more than running in place.

What brings greater and longer-term results has your salespeople stand before decision-makers by having an idea, having a plan, vision, a spec spot, and order the business. When they are not requesting the business, then are they all there?

I show salespeople how to make a lot of money (for themselves as well as the station) selling local direct business. What direction to go, and ways to get it done. Who to penetrate front of. What things to say, and the way to say it.
Having sold literally millions-of-dollars valuation on inventory, Let me tell you that massive success in radio sales is hard, but it's all so incredibly-simple!

Next, let�s discuss programming. Today�s massively-successful stereo are creatively hyper-focused over a very specific audience, and exude these seven critically-important qualities:
1.    No Hype
2.    Authenticity
3.    Fun to be with
4.    Respect, trust & fairness
5.    Consensus, not confrontation
6.    Make dreams come true, alter the world, create a better life
7.    Establish deeper relationships & stronger bonds along with your listeners

Having programmed stations in a variety of different formats in small, medium and major markets, I will tell you that massive success in radio programming is difficult, but, like sales, it is rather, very easy!

If you wish to dramatically improve sales, programming, and every department at your radio station(s), then let's have a conversation and get the ball rolling.
Call me for a free, confidential first consultation. Speak directly with me, no associate. My telephone number is 631-764-6460. Radio Station Consultant

I look forward to listening to you!

Stefan Rybak
Cellular phone: 631-764-6460
Private Email: